Sirius Sirius Real Estate

This is the fourth year that we have been collecting and calculating our greenhouse gas emissions. Enhancing our GHG emissions reporting.

We are continuing to work on improving on our data collection and emissions analysis processes. For the second year, our greenhouse gas (“GHG”) inventory has been verified for both Sirius Facilities GmbH and BizSpace Ltd in line with international best practice by Achilles, which is a global data validation company that provides assurance services for GHG emissions data.

Achilles has partnered with Toitū Envirocare, an ISO 14065 accredited certification body, to deliver the Carbon Reduce and Net Carbon Zero programmes. The inventory has been prepared in accordance with these programmes and is based on the GHG Protocol and compliant with the ISO 14064-1:2018 standard. The net carbon zero certification, achieved for the 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 measurement period, has been verified in line with ISO 14064-3:2019 and the technical requirements of the Toitū programmes.

Decarbonisation commitments

We are committed to managing and reducing our emissions in Germany and the UK and are developing our GHG emissions reduction plans, which have been reviewed and are in line with Toitū Carbon Reduce programme requirements. This year we have set a Group decarbonisation ambition in Germany to reduce our Group Scope 3 carbon emissions intensity per square meter by 45% by 2030.

In the UK, we have undertaken an analysis of the possible actions to achieve the UK Government EPC target of B by 2030 and have achieved 55% of the number of EPCs at EPC C or better during the year. This work continues and this year BizSpace has become part of the Group decarbonisation ambition to reduce our Scope 3 emissions by 45% by 2030.

GHG emissions report

For full details of our GHG emissions report please see pages 43 to 45 of our Annual Report and Accounts 2024.


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